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Dokumente zum Download

Beschreibung Link
CS-300 (SDOH) SERIES Brochure
Technisches Datenblatt und Informationen More Info
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Verwandte Modelle

Electrically Operated - Single Phase - Dual Motor Version

Erfüllt die EU- Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutzanforderungen


  • Pneumatic (air-operated) industrial vacuum system with Self-Dumping Overturning Hopper (SDOH) for the recovery of large quantities of metal chips mixed with some oil/coolant
  • The single or twin venturi powerhead with 6 mm air jets is mounted directly on the hopper
  • The internal volume of the hopper is 52 gal. (200L). A screen inside the hopper separates the upper part from the lower part. It can recover 26 gal. (100L) of metal chips and 26 gal. (100L) of oil/coolant
  • The metal chips are separated from the oil inside the hopper. The metal chips are recovered in the upper part of the hopper and the oil is deposited at the bottom of the hopper. The screen can be removed and 52 gal. (200L) of chips can be recovered
  • The oil is emptied using the 1" drain valve
  • The Recovered metal chips are easily emptied using a forklift to lift and dump the contents of the hopper. There is no manual lifting required. The manually operated dumping mechanism is easy to use
  • Four 5" (125 mm) wheels, allow for maximum maneuverability
  • A washable main cloth filter is installed upstream from the venturi

Technische Spezifikation - Europa / Asien

Switch to Nordamerika

TypPneumatic Pneumatic
VenturiSingle Twin
Venturi (diam.)6 mm6 mm
Kompressor15 HP30 HP
Airline Gr??e1/2" (12.7mm) 3/4" (19mm)
Eingang Luftvolumen21.2 L/s47 L/s
Eingang Luftdruck5.5 Bar6.9 Bar
Luftstrom204 m3/h331 m3/h
Saugdruck4320 mm H205840 mm H20
Suction Inlet Port90 mm 90 mm
FahrgestelltypCarriage Base (CB) Carriage Base (CB)
Recovery Capacity (Tank)200 L200 L
Länge109 cm109 cm
Breite94 cm94 cm
Höhe130 cm130 cm
Gewicht (nur Staubsauger)163 kg.168 kg.
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