Stelle eine frage
TV-595 (WF) GEN 2
/tempFiles/Guest-3896.JPG?cID=20&itID=2173&scID=79 /tempFiles/Guest-3895.JPG?cID=20&itID=2173&scID=79 /tempFiles/Guest-3894.JPG?cID=20&itID=2173&scID=79

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TV-595 (WF) GEN 2 Brochure
Technisches Datenblatt und Informationen More Info


  • Intended for the recovery of welding and grinding fumes in an automotive body shop environment
  • Ideal for intermittent MIG welding and occasional grinding of aluminum body panels and aluminum vehicle frames
  • Eliminate welding fumes at the source
  • 2-stage filtration system consisting of a metal mesh spark trap filter and a disposable main compact filter
  • Filtration efficiency of 99% on 0.5 micron (Class F9 as per Standard EN779:22)
  • Low pressure, high flow rate. 600 CFM (1020 m³/h)
  • Verstärkte Schweißkonstruktion
  • Heavy duty wheels and swivel castors. 2 wheels are equipped with brakes
  • Volle Breite Griff für mehr Bewegungsfreiheit
  • Einfacher Zugang zu den Filtern
  • Niedriger Schwerpunkt , um Umkippen zu verhindern
  • Spark trap metallic filter included
  • Filter blockage indicator light
  • Optional dust extraction arms and mounting plates with flange

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